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příručka uživatele systému AToM

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The Activity tab [1] contains a set of information about the recorded user activity, divided into groups [2]. The tracked user activity data, possibly with information about changes to the stored data, is displayed in a table [3]. The method of operating the table is described in the chapter on table operation. The table has a fixed sorting by the time of the event.


user activities

  1. Activity page tab
  2. activity groups by type
  3. table displaying activities
Activity of open, created and modified

The time sequence displays a list of Class instances that the user has viewed, created, or modified. The name is displayed with a link to the Class Editor [1] and the time [2] when the event occurred.


activity of open, created, changed

  1. reference to a Class instance
  2. activity record time
Activity record

The time sequence displays a list of actions that the user has performed on an instance (Class, Attribute, Group, etc.). The table displays:


activity record

  1. click to display the original data
  • Event - event type with a link to the event page, where the individual items of the table row are displayed more clearly in the form, plus the display of the instance content from XML data [1].
  • Time - the moment when the action was performed
  • Object - the name of the instance of the object to which the activity relates, with a link to the object editor where the object can be displayed.
  • Property - Attribute of the object to which the activity applies.
  • Note - A note containing, if applicable, a content change related to the event. Either as text and associated XML, or as a reference to the data of the component to which the content relates.
  • XML data - The last column may contain a paperclip symbol [1] with a reference to the XML notation of the content that is related to the event. By clicking on the symbol, the XML file can be viewed or downloaded to disk.
Login history

A list of individual user logins, logouts, or login attempts is displayed in a time sequence. The date and time, event type, station IP address, and a note are displayed.


login history


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