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Folder settings

The page of the "Settings" tab [1] allows in the "Folders" section [2] to customize the display of the Class instance, respectively the display of Class Attributes that are included in the so-called folders.

The page displays a list of defined folders in a table [3]. Folders are created in Atom Studio, where their default settings are made [5].

The list of folders is sorted. The sorting is done according to a compound key. First, the numerical order specified by the user is evaluated [4], which is supplemented by setting the default sort [5] in case the user has not specified any order. The sort is based on the size of the resulting number, with unset values being sorted last. If the resulting sort number matches, the final order is determined by alphabetizing the component names. In the example [6], the resulting sort keys are 3O - 3P - 4.


folder settings

  1. page tab for folder settings
  2. Folders section
  3. folder list
  4. sequence number for sorting folders
  5. folder sequence number according to the settings in AToM Studio
  6. example of sorting folders by serial number
  7. setting the folder status as packed or unpacked
  8. setting to show or hide the folder in the Class Instance Editor
  9. click on the button to save the settings


The order in which the folders are sorted after the settings are saved is the order in which they appear on the Class instance editor page.

The "Collapsed" column [7] displays the current state of the current folder's collapsed or expanded settings. Clicking on the checkbox will change this status.

The unzip or fold settings can also be changed directly on the pages where folders with attributes are displayed.

The "Hidden" column [8] sets the visibility of the folder including the contained Class Attributes. Folders marked as hidden are not displayed in the Class instance editor.

In this way, the interface can be simplified and made clearer for a particular user, where attributes that are not of interest to the user at the moment are not even displayed. When viewing and editing.

Clicking the "Save" button [9] saves the settings to the system. If this step is omitted, the setting is not accepted.

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