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User interface settings and administration

User interface settings include adjusting the layout of the home page and related tabs. The settings are made directly in the homepage environment, which is displayed by clicking on the ATOM3 icon (navigation point 1) or by clicking on the Ontology link (navigation point 4) [1].


Link to Home Page

  1. Click on the AToM3 icon or Ontology link to display the home page

Management includes editing user profile information, user activity reports, administration tools for setting up the application environment and a separate tool for setting up and managing the ontology - AToM Studio. The different sections are launched via links on the "User Panel". Alternatively, a link can be used from the navigation panel [2] (navigation point 2) or from the user-embedded panel "User panel" [3].


User panel

  1. User panel in the navigation menu on the left
  2. User panel on the desktop


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