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Types of Attributes




Designed for naming a Class instance (e.g. name, last name). Each Class must contain at least one attribute of type NAME. The system ensures this by creating a mandatory "Base Name*" attribute. Attributes of type NAME identify instances in the AToM system. An attribute of type NAME can have only one instance within a Class instance (it cannot be multiple). A Class can have more than one attribute of type NAME.


Analogous to the NAME type with the possibility of multiple occurrences of attribute instances within a Class instance. It is used when multiple equivalent identifications are needed (e.g. synonymous names, nicknames, etc.).


Designed to uniquely identify a Class instance within all AToM application Classes. A unique and non-repeatable identifier of a Class instance. Each instance of a Class can have only one value (instance) for the CODE attribute type (cannot be multiple). A Class may have more than one CODE attribute.


Analogous to the CODE type with the possibility of multiple instances of the Attribute within a Class instance. A type intended for special cases where a Class instance may have multiple codes of the same type (e.g. there is often more than one barcode on items in stores, but they must be unique)


Designed for storing the Integer data type (integer)

VARIANT Text string

Designed for storing the String data type (text without formatting)

VARIANT True/False

Designed to store the Boolean data type (Yes/No)

VARIANT Decimal (higher precision)

Designed to store the Decimal data type (signed decimal number that can have up to 16 decimal places). Suitable for financial calculations because it minimizes rounding errors.


Designed to store the Float data type (Real number with sign and floating point). Suitable for scientific calculations.

VARIANT Date and time

Designed to store the Datetime data type (date and time)


Designed to store the Datetime data type (date)


Designed to store the Datetime data type (time)

VARIANT Web link

Designed to store URIs (Internet addressing)


Designed to store content in HTML format. Can be created in AToM's HTML editor or inserted via the clipboard from external sources.


Designed for storing and presenting images with special features such as automatically generating thumbnails of different sizes.


Designed for storing file attachments to a Class instance.


Designed for storing a selection from a list of predefined values (from a dial). One or more values can be selected (multi-selection). The list of values is created within the ontology.


Designed for storing a selection from a tree-ordered list of predefined values (hierarchical dial, classification). It is possible to select one or more values (multi-selection) and to specify the selection methods separately for each subset of elements. The list of values is created within the ontology. It allows to create an unambiguous hierarchy, taxonomy, can also be used for faceted classification, display according to different viewpoints, etc.


Designed for setting up connections between instances of Classes. You can only select between instances of predefined Classes whose instances can be linked by specific associations. The ability to link Classes is set within the ontology.


Used to set the hierarchy type (1:n) link between instances of Classes in which the attribute is implemented. You can select between instances of these Classes.


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