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Attributes, properties of Class or Association

Attributes (properties) are found mostly on the pages of instances of Classes and instances of Associations. They are items whose value is editable.

Attributes are organized into folders [1].

In the left part [2] are the names of Attributes (properties or items). When the mouse pointer is hovered over the name (or icon) of an item, the text of the Attribute information is displayed after a while, if the text is provided within the ontology settings. It is possible to set a hyperlink to a page with more information for an Attribute, in which case a question mark icon [3] appears to the right of the Attribute name. Clicking on the icon displays a new browser window with the desired page.

On the right side [4] are the Attribute values that can be changed, unless they are set to view-only for the user (if the user has edit permission).

For items that do not have a value set yet, there can only be a blank space [5].


Class Attributes:

  1. Folder - container for attributes
  2. Attribute names
  3. Question mark icon with a link to related information in a new browser window
  4. Attribute values
  5. An attribute that does not have a value set may not be displayed
  6. Icon of the corresponding Attribute Editor

Some items are only editable on the corresponding Attribute Editor page that is specific to that Attribute type. The editor is launched by clicking on the icon on the right [6].

There may also be entries on the Class instance page showing Associations, or Association roles.


Attributes Classes of type Association:

  1. List of associations without defined attributes (properties)
  2. List of associations with defined attributes (properties)
  3. List of target instances of Classes
  4. Columns of selected Attributes
  5. Link to the Association Attribute Editor

The Attribute view, which displays instances of the Association role, comes in two flavors:

  1. For associations without any Association Attributes set [7], in which case the table displays a list of the target instances of the Class [9] (i.e., those that are the target for the binding), or a column with an icon to remove the Association instance.
  2. For associations with Association Attributes settings [8], where, in addition to the target instances of Classes [9], the table also displays columns with the values of the selected association attributes [10] and a column with a link to the Association Attributes editor [11] and possibly an icon for removing the association instance (in case of edit permissions).

The display of Attributes in the "viewing" mode differs from the display in the "editing" mode mainly by the absence/display of editing elements (icons for editing or launching the editor, deleting an association) or their deactivation (elements are displayed as inactive and not functional).

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