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Administration of tabs

To edit bookmarks, turn on the Dashboard.

How to create a bookmark:
  1.     Click the "+" button [1]. Once the new bookmark is displayed, you can change its name and column layout.
How to edit a bookmark
  1. Click on the pencil icon [2]. The name of the bookmark will change into an editable field where you can change the name of the bookmark.
  2. The page area can be divided into columns by selecting the appropriate "Layout". In the layout panel, click on the desired column layout type [3].
Procedure to delete a bookmark:

Bookmarks that the user has created can also be deleted.

  1.     Click on the "x" icon [4]. A dialog box will appear asking whether to perform the operation.
  2.     Confirm the operation by clicking the OK button.



bookmark editing

  1. button to create a new page
  2. button to change the page name
  3. selecting the number and layout of columns into which the page will be divided
  4. button to delete a page

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