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Dashboard control panel

After displaying the home page (including the bookmarks at the home page level), the "Show Dashboard" [1] icon is displayed in the toolbar to enter the bookmark and panel settings.


control panel - dashboard

  1. switching on/off the setting mode
  2. settings control panel
  3. click on "plus" to add a new tab
  4. click on "x" to remove the tab
  5. by clicking on the "pencil" you can change the name of the tab
  6. clicking on "minus" removes the panel from the page area

Clicking this icon activates the bookmarks and panels settings mode. The Settings panel (Dashboard) is displayed, which contains the tools for setting the bookmark [2]. A "plus" icon [3] appears next to the bookmarks to add new bookmarks. On user-created bookmarks, an "x" icon [4] appears to cancel the bookmark and a pencil icon [5] appears to change the name.

For panels placed on the page, a "minus" icon [6] will be added to remove the panel from the desktop. The bookmark and panel setup mode is exited by clicking on the highlighted setup icon [1].

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