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Class instance editor

When you click on the link to the Class instance, the page for viewing or editing the Class instance [1] is displayed.

The Instance Editor page displays tabs for viewing and editing the instance, viewing the history of changes and user activity, and a tab for adding comments to the Class instance.

Instance Editor tabs:

Viewing - for viewing a Class instance (without editing).

  1. Edit - for editing a Class instance
  2. History - displays a list of recent changes to the instance and a list with the history of changes and events related to the Class instance
  3. Activities - displays a list of changes or views of the instance, indicating when the action was performed by the corresponding user
  4. Comments - a page that allows you to write and save a comment on an instance
Editing a Class instance

The "Edit" tab [1] (similar to the Viewing tab) contains a group of Class Attributes [3], which is built according to the Class definition (settings in Atom Studio). The individual Attributes are sorted one below the other. In the left part are the names of the Attributes (properties or items), in the right part are their values, which can be set if the user has been granted user permissions to do so.


instance editor Classes

  1. Class instance editing page
  2. folder header
  3. Attribute
  4. edit field of the Attribute instance
  5. link to the Attribute editor page
  6. button to create a new instance of the Class
  7. button to create a copy of the currently displayed Class instance
  8. button to delete a Class instance

Attributes are organized into folders [2]. Clicking on the hook symbol (triangle hanging) hides or expands the entire contents of the folder. Folders and their settings allow to make the user interface clearer and to adapt it to the current requirements. See the chapter on folder settings for more information.

Items (Attributes) can be edited directly inside the item field [4], or in the item editor, which appears for that item when you click on the corresponding edit icon [5]. Some types of Attributes support both editing approaches.

A new instance of the Class can be created using the "Plus" button [6]. A new instance of a Class can be created as a copy of an existing one (Clone) using the button with the two page icon [7].

The Class instance is deleted by clicking on the button with the "x" symbol [8].

Editing Attributes (items) is described in the chapter on editing items.

Class instance history

The "History" tab [1] displays a summary of the most recent changes to the Class instance [2]. For each type of change that occurred, the type of event, the time of the change, and the display name of the user who made the change are listed.


instance history Classes

  1. Class instance history page tab
  2. summary of recent changes
  3. table with list of changes
  4. a link to view or save the original content
  5. create a record with the contents of the complete Class instance
  6. display the contents of the instance at the selected time

Below the summary there is a table showing the detailed history of changes [3] that occurred during the editing of the Class instance. It lists

event type - a link that can be used to display the event page, where the individual table row entries are displayed more clearly in the form, plus a display of the instance content from the XML data [4],

  • the time of the event execution,
  • the user who made the change - a link to the user's profile page,
  • the component (atom) to which the event relates,
  • a note containing, if applicable, the content change related to the event. Either as text and associated XML, or as a reference to the data of the component to which the content relates,  
  • XML data - the last column may contain a paperclip symbol [4] with a reference to the XML notation of the content related to the event. By clicking on the symbol, the XML file can be viewed or downloaded to disk.

The method of operating the table is described in the chapter on operating the table. The table has a fixed sorting by the time of the event.

Clicking the "Create Fingerprint" button [5] creates a new "Dump Data" record with the current contents of the entire Class instance stored in XML [4]. It allows to keep the instance data at the selected moment and view it by clicking on the link [6].

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