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Association and Hierarchy

Association is a kind of connection between Classes. An Association instance is a link between instances of Classes connected by an Association.

Since version 3.165, ATOM supports Association Attributes - properties (characteristics) that are assigned to a specific Association, a link between Classes. Using an Association Attribute, it is possible to add related information to a binding instance.

A hierarchy is a structure of instances of Classes that are connected by superiority and inferiority links (1:n Associations). A Hierarchy links instances of Classes to which the Attribute of the monitored Hierarchy is assigned within the ontology setup. The AToM system includes a component that displays the hierarchy tree of the Class instances to which the Hierarchy is applied. The "View Hierarchy" page is displayed by clicking on the Hierarchy name on the Project Overview page.

A brief description of the Association and Hierarchy is also provided in the Project Overview section.

Binding editing (assigning or removing an instance of an Association or Hierarchy binding) is done within the Class editing, where the role of the relationship (hierarchy or association) is set as the value of the Class attribute. Separate editors are created for editing Association or Hierarchy instances, which are displayed when you click the edit icon in the Class instance editor.

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