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Hierarchy attribute editor

More specifically, the Hierarchy Role Instance Editor.

On the Class instance editor page, you can also edit items of type Hierarchy, or subordinate roles in a hierarchy.

A Hierarchy binding is similar to an association within the Classes to which the Hierarchy attribute is assigned. It only sets the subordination roles of other instances to the currently edited instance of the Class. The Hierarchy Instance Editor page is displayed by clicking on the edit icon in the Class Instance Editor, and that Class is set as the Parent role [1] in the Hierarchy to which entries are selected for the Subordination role [2]. The control is the same as for the Association edit. In addition, the record selection table contains a Sort[n] column [3] that allows you to specify a sequence number for each child instance by which the child instances will be sorted. Instances with an unfilled Sort[n] field value are sorted last. If the value of the sequence number is the same (or if the field is empty), the records are sorted alphabetically.


Hierarchy editing

  1. The role of the parent in the Hierarchy
  2. Role of subordinate in the Hierarchy
  3. Field for specifying the order when displaying


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