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Editing Groups and Selections

More precisely, editing a group or selection list. Both types have a very similar way of editing the element structure and editing attribute instances. Selection, unlike Group, does not allow to build a hierarchy of elements, does not allow the use of non-selectable nodes (folder type) and has a fixed, by design, type of elements.

The type of elements can be:

  • Radio image092.png - to select only one element from the set
  • Check image093.png - to select more elements from the set

The selection can have only one folder - the root directory (Root).

Items can be placed in a folder.

A group may contain multiple directories arranged in a hierarchy, and each directory may contain a different type of element ("radio" or "check"). When the first element is inserted into a directory, the element type can be selected to determine the type of selection of elements in the directory. Other elements in the directory must be of the same type (no other type is offered). Elements in the directory can also continue to form a hierarchy, but only of elements of the same type.

The editing of the Group is done on the "Design" tab [1].


When you position the cursor over an item [2] (directory, radio, check) and right-click, a dialog box with a list of editing options appears.


Here it is possible to select the editing action corresponding to the item, over which the mouse cursor is currently positioned. The menu of editing options differs according to the type of element.

The editing options are:

  1. New folder – a new node of the directory type structure is created, which serves as a container for inserting other elements.
  2. New radio – creates a new value node of the one-of-many selection type, i.e. only one element can be selected from a group of such elements.
  3. New check – creates a new value node of the multiple selection type, i.e. multiple items can be selected from a group of such items.
  4. Edit – editing the current value (name) of the item
  5. Delete – removing the selected element

The order of the nodes is changed by dragging with the mouse. The procedure of editing the order or tree structure of elements:

  1. Set the cursor pointer to the element
  2. Press and hold the left mouse button
  3. Move the pointer (element) to the desired location. This is accompanied by either drawing a dotted line between nodes indicating the location to the level of the surrounding nodes, or drawing a dotted box around the node indicating the location as a child element to the node in the box.  
  4. Release the left mouse button.

On the page, you can change the value setting for instances of Classes from one node value to another. When you click on a node [2] on the left side of the page, a list of instances [3] in which the node value is specified appears on the right. Use the drop-down list [4] to select the name of the node to which the contents [3] of the highlighted node [2] should be moved. Click on the "Move" button [5] to perform the move.


editing Groups

  1. Group editing page tab
  2. Group node
  3. list of instances of the Class in which the value of the highlighted node is set
  4. drop-down list of nodes
  5. button to move the contents of the highlighted node to the selected node [4]

The procedure for editing a Group or Selection is identical for both types, and the same procedure is followed for editing an Attribute of this type in the Class Instance Editor.

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