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Group and Selection

A group is an AToM component that represents a hierarchical structure of elements for which only the Base Name* needs to be tracked. Instead of creating a set of Classes in the project design (ontology) that have only Base Name* and are linked by hierarchical relationships by Associations or Hierarchies, a single component - Group - is created instead. This component can be used multiple times in the project design. The design scheme and its clarity will be simplified and the processing speed will be increased.

Similarly, Selection is an AToM component that represents a simple list of elements for which only the Base Name* is tracked. With the difference that the Selection component is created as a Class attribute.

Both components are optimized for filtering and searching needs. See the Project Overview chapter for further description.

Pages are created for viewing and editing these components, which are displayed by clicking on the name with a link in the Project Overview or Class Editor, as appropriate.

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