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Attribute editing

Attributes (type name, alias, code, ident, variant) can be edited directly by writing the value into the field, or by other direct editing (e.g. by inserting from the clipboard Ctrl+V). In this case, when editing Attributes (items), a pencil symbol [1] is displayed at the right edge of the field, which is replaced by a floppy disk symbol [2] when saving. Saving takes place automatically when leaving the edit field. If the field value cannot be saved to the database, a warning [3] is displayed. Clicking on the "x" symbol [1] inside the field will delete the contents of the field. Before saving an item to the database, the "Esc" or "Alt+Backspace" key can be used to restore the original contents of the field(s) to the state before the text overwriting started.

For Attributes that can be multiple (have this property set), the "Plus" and "Minus" icons [4] are also displayed at the right edge of the Attribute field, which are used to create another value for the item, or to delete an existing value.


Edit Attributes:

  1. Attribute in edit state - value changes
  2. Saving the value of an Attribute
  3. Attribute value cannot be saved
  4. IIcons for adding or removing multiple Attribute values
  5. An icon with a link to the corresponding Attribute editor

"Plus" and "Minus" adds or removes values of "Multiple" (item property) items, such as a list of alternative names. Clicking "Minus" removes the value field, clicking "Plus" adds a new field for the value.

Item values can also be populated by copying them via the clipboard (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V), or by dragging the value with the mouse directly in the application. By positioning the cursor on the highlighted portion of the item value text and pressing and holding the left mouse button, the cursor changes as you move the mouse and the selected value is as if detached and can be moved to another location while holding the left button. The appearance of the cursor can be used to identify where the value can and cannot be moved. When the cursor is positioned at the appropriate place and the left mouse button is released, the text to be moved is inserted at the cursor position. The text disappears from the original position. The value has been moved. If the "Ctrl" key is pressed when the left mouse button is released, a copy of the text is created and the original text remains.

An icon may appear at the right edge of the Attribute field to link to the Attribute editor page [5]. Clicking on the icon will display a page that allows editing of the Attribute value depending on the type of the respective Attribute. For example, a page will be displayed to select instances of Classes to set the Hierarchy. Hovering over the icon may highlight the Attribute if there is no other visual link between the name and the Editor icon.

Association instances, or their Attributes, can be edited via the Association Editor (displayed by clicking on the icon [6]), but removing an Association instance can be done directly from the Class instance edit page by clicking on the "minus" icon [7] and confirming the validation query.

For more information on displaying Association Attributes, see the section on the Association Editor.


Removing an Association instance:

  • Class Instance Attribute Editor (Association Instance)
  • Icon for removing an Association instance

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