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Class Instance List Editor

When you click on the link in the Classes list in the Project overview, a page with a list of instances of Class [1] is displayed.

The Class List page displays a list of links to each Class instance in a table. The display of the table columns is set within the Class design in Atom Studio. The Class list also includes the option to create a new instance of the class.


list of instances of the Class

  1. page tab of the Classes list page
  2. fulltext search component
  3. table with a list of instances of Classes
  4. toggle list sorting
  5. button to insert a new instance
  6. setting the list display to a predefined form

A full-text search component is implemented on the page [2]. The control method is described in the chapter on full-text search settings.

The list of Class instances is displayed in the table [3]. The method of control is described in the chapter on table control.

By clicking on a column header of the table, you can set or unset sorting by values and switch between ascending or descending sorting, as indicated by the triangle icon [4].

A new instance of the Class can be added using the "New" button [5]. Using the "Reload" button [6] will cancel all settings made by the user and restore the table view to its predefined form.

Clicking on a link in the table will display the Class instance editor with the option to change the values of the Instance Attributes.

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