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The full-text search page appears when you click the Search button, which is located in the tools and indicators area at the top right corner of the browser (interface image point 4).

Next to it is the "Search" box for quickly entering a search term and starting the search by clicking on the magnifying glass icon.

Clicking on the icon will redirect the user to the full-text search page.

Search page

On the top left is a component for setting up a full-text search [1]. The controls are also described in the chapter on setting up full-text search.



  1. search settings component
  2. list of search results
  3. pinning result - saving the list of found results
  4. result list filters

A list of results [2] appears in the right part of the search page in the form of a list of links. This is usually a list of Classes in whose data the search phrase occurs. The link points to the pages with the content of the referenced Class. Clicking on the link displays the page to which the search text is related.

The search result can be pinned to the tools by clicking on the pin icon [3].

On the left is a list of filters [4], which can be used to limit the number of results displayed. The number of results found is displayed in brackets for each filter. The list of filters replicates the application's data ontology, and so can be extensive and hierarchically branched. The "plus" and "minus" icons in front of the filter text allow expanding or collapsing in a hierarchy of child filters.

Facet filtering

Clicking on a filter name [1] changes its color and reduces the list of results [2] according to the selected criteria. The number of hits is recalculated according to the current filtering conditions. In this way you can click multiple filters and refine the found result.


filtering search results

  1. click on the title to activate or deactivate the filter
  2. list of filtered results
  3. query retention indication - pinning

Clicking again on the selected filter [1] will deactivate it, change its color, and refresh the list of results according to the set filters.

On the top right of the results list is a pin icon with the caption "remember query". This toggle can be used to include tools to navigate through the search results in the toolbox for pages that display the searched content. When the icon is clicked, it changes to "pinned" [3]. Clicking on the icon again returns it to its original appearance and disables pinning of the search result navigation.

Pinning the search result

Activating pinning causes the search results to be stored and can be referenced while browsing the content of the found pages or quickly switch back to the search result.


navigation by pinned search

  1. set of tools and indicators for browsing stored search results
  2. arrow to scroll through the list of results
  3. display of the page position in the list of hits
  4. return button and search page

On the content view page, icons will be added between the tools to navigate through the list of found results [1]. There is no need to return to the search page and you can use the left and right arrows [2] to scroll through the list of finds and view the found data. The position of the displayed page in the hit list is shown between the arrows [3].

Clicking on the telescope icon [4] in the pinned search navigation redirects the page to the "Ontology Search" search page with the results of the last search.

The pinned search is bound to the last search performed.

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