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Application user interface

Each page of the AToM Editor consists of several basic parts.


application interface

  1. Navigation bar - left navigation bar with links for quick switching between pages, where the width can be changed in several steps.
  2. Breadcrumb navigation bar - displaying links to pages in the site structure branch, or in the ontology structure branch.
  3. Bookmarks. Related pages are grouped into so-called bookmarks. Bookmarks also group pages of similar focus. The composition of the displayed bookmarks depends on the user's access permissions.
    Homepage bookmarks can be set individually by each user.
  4. A set of tool icons and indicators. You can start a search, user settings of the homepage, subscribe for notification information, etc.
  5. Page content - depends on the specific user activity and displays variable content according to the specific process editing ontology projects, or other areas of the system to which links from the navigation bar point
    Home page contains user-selected panels and can be divided into columns
  6. Panels - separate components with predefined content. The application administrator can add to the predefined list of panels.

The display of individual parts depends on the user settings or on the specific position in the web application hierarchy. For more information, see the chapter on user interface settings.

The display of a specific panel, page tab, or individual links also depends on the user's access permission settings (user roles).

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