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příručka uživatele systému AToM

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Start the application

The AToM application is a web application and a web browser is sufficient to operate it from the client side. After entering the address of the application (Internet link) into the browser address bar and sending the request, the initial screen of the application is displayed in the browser window.

Each user of the AToM system is assigned roles within the access rights management, which grant him/her permissions for various activities within the application.

An unlogged user is assigned the special role of Anonymous user (display name Anonymous). In this role, the user is shown only minimal information and the functionality of the application is limited depending on the permissions set for the Anonymous user role.

For full use, you must use your own user account and log in to the system. The login method (user authentication) is described in the chapter on logging into the application.

If user registration is enabled in the system, a user account can be created directly in the application. The registration procedure is described in the chapter on user registration.

Nenalezli jste požadované informace?

Přeje si kontaktovat uživatelskou podporu?

Kontaktovat nás můžete nejlépe e-mailem, seznam možností jak se s námi spojit je na stránkce kontakty.

Připravujeme možnost rychle zaslat dotaz pomocí webového formuláře.

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