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Clicking on the Groups link on the Project overview page (or alternatively from the Ontology navigation panel) will display the Group tree (item tree) browsing page [1].


viewing groups

  1. tab of the Group Viewing page
  2. click on "+" to expand the list of subgroups, click on "-" to collapse the list of subgroups
  3. the number of instances of the Class containing the corresponding value
  4. the list of instances of the Class for which the value of the highlighted node is set

In the left part of the screen, the structure tree is displayed, whose branches are expanded or collapsed by clicking on "Plus" or "Minus" in front of the node name [2]. The number of instances [3] for which this node value is set is shown in parentheses after the node name. Clicking on a node will highlight it, and a list of instances for which the value is set will be displayed in a table on the right side of the page [4].

The procedure for editing a Group is given in the section on editing Groups and Selections.

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