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příručka uživatele systému AToM

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List of users

The "Users" tab [1] displays a page with a list of users. The control of the table with the list of users is analogous to the control described in the chapter on table control. The list is arranged alphabetically by display name [2]. It is possible to search the list by typing one or more consecutive characters contained in the user's name, login name or email, as well as filtering groups of users according to the user's account validity status.


list of users

  1. page tab Users
  2. list of users by name
  3. view user's account status
  4. button to enter user representation mode

The column with the traffic light icon [3] displays graphically the current status of the user's account validity. There are three states in the system:

  • deleted - red element - invalid user account with the deleted flag
  • registered - yellow element - a valid user account that has not yet been activated or has been deactivated by the administrator
  • activated - green element - a valid user account that has been activated

The following column [4] allows you to apply a representation (impersonation) of the user account typically used when configuring the AToM Editor environment to another user. The permission for the impersonation is a prerequisite. To terminate the impersonation, it is necessary to log out of the application.

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