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The Registration tab is displayed by clicking on the "Registration" link [1] in the navigation bar. The page contains several edit fields for user identification. The control of the fields is also described in the chapter on controlling authentication fields.



  1. enter registration
  2. enter a valid email address here
  3. enter your password here
  4. start the registration process

The "E-mail" field is used to enter the e-mail address [2] that will be associated with the user account and that will be used for communication with the user. The email address must be unique in the system. Multiple users cannot be registered to one email address.

In the "Password" and "Confirmation" fields [3], the password text is entered and the "Registration" button [4] is clicked to send a request for registration of a new user. The system then sends a message to the email address associated with the user's account, which contains the procedure for activating the newly created account.

The registration page displays information about sending the activation email.

Nenalezli jste požadované informace?

Přeje si kontaktovat uživatelskou podporu?

Kontaktovat nás můžete nejlépe e-mailem, seznam možností jak se s námi spojit je na stránkce kontakty.

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