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příručka uživatele systému AToM

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Activating your account

After submitting the registration request, the user waits for a message to be delivered to the email address provided during registration. The message contains instructions to activate the user.


activation email

  1. click on the link to complete the registration proces

A message is sent from the system administrator's address (e.g. Support AION CS - ) with the header "Registration, " and the application (server) name. The message contains a link [1] for direct user activation. Clicking on this link opens a new web browser page with the AToM application and automatically activates and logs the user in.

When attempting to reactivate, the user is notified of this fact.

Nenalezli jste požadované informace?

Přeje si kontaktovat uživatelskou podporu?

Kontaktovat nás můžete nejlépe e-mailem, seznam možností jak se s námi spojit je na stránkce kontakty.

Připravujeme možnost rychle zaslat dotaz pomocí webového formuláře.

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