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Space - Project overview

Project - Space

The Project overview includes the display of all parts of the Project/Space ontology on a single page. The Project Overview page is launched by clicking on the Project link in the ontology panel. Alternatively, the link can be used from the navigation panel (navigation point 4) or from the user-embedded Ontology panel.


Project - Space

  1. Project page tab
  2. list of Classes
  3. list of Hierarchies
  4. list of Groups
  5. list of Associations
  6. list of Attributes
  7. attribute of type Selection

The Project/Space page [1] displays a list of all the elements of the project schema with the number of instances and a description of each element. The names of Classes, Hierarchies, Groups or Enumerations are also quick links to the editors of these elements.


A class represents a real object that is specified within the project ontology using assigned attributes. A class encapsulates this set of attributes (properties, characteristics). Each Class always contains at least one attribute name (Base Name*). The project ontology overview shows a list of all Classes that are introduced for the Project (Space) [2]. Click on the link to display the Class editor page.

A Class Instance is a populated representation of an object with specific data, Class attribute values, etc. An Instance can be thought of as a populated table where the columns represent instances of individual items (Attributes, Groups, Enumerations, Role Associations, etc.) and one row as a whole represents a Class Instance.


A hierarchy represents a data structure composed of instances of Classes that are linked by a subordination (superordination) relationship. A child node has only one parent. Ideal for dividing document text into chapters and subchapters. Like Class attributes, Hierarchies are edited within the Class editing. The Project Ontology Overview displays a list of all Hierarchies that are in place for the Project (Space) [3]. Clicking on a link displays the Hierarchy browser with a hierarchically arranged drop-down list of links to instances of the Class.


A Group is a practical component that integrates a simple or even more complex structure ( of notional classes and relationships ) into a single object. It is a codebook or taxonomy, a classification with a tree structure of node arrangement. A coherent group of elements that are characterized only by name. The Project Ontology Overview shows a list of all Groups that are introduced for the Project (Space) [4]. Click on the link to display the Group Editor page.


The Association represents the relationships between the Classes. They are an essential element of the ontology. Like Class attributes, Associations are edited within the Class editing framework, where a special editor is implemented for this purpose. The Project ontology overview shows a list of all Associations that are introduced for the Project (Space) [5].

Class Attributes - Properties

Attributes are types of information that characterize a Class, properties that are critical or important for a particular Class. They can be of different types, for representing and storing different types of information. This information is entered as part of editing a Class in the Class Instance Editor. The Project Ontology Overview displays a list of all Attributes (Properties) that are introduced for the Project (Space) [6]. See the chapter on Attributes for further details.


A special type of Attribute is Selection. Like Group, Selection represents a dial, but without a tree structure and without the ability to combine node types. In the Project ontology overview, the attributes of Selections appear as a link in the group of other Attributes. Clicking on the link [7] displays the Selection editor page.

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