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příručka uživatele systému AToM

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Login to the system

In the left control panel (navigation panel), the "display name" of the user [1] is shown together with the icon of the figurine, below which there is a link "Login" [2]. Clicking on one of these links will bring up the login page.

The page contains a login form where the user identification, either a login name or email address, and a password are entered.


home screen - login

  1. user name displayed
  2. entering login
  3. alternative login panel

If the "Login" panel [3] is displayed on the main page, you can log in via this panel.

The control of the fields is also described in the chapter on controlling authentication fields.

The login procedure

Logging in consists of entering a name and password in the login form.



  1. In the "User / Email" field, enter the login name or email address associated with the registered user's account. The login name can be different from the display name.
  2. Type a password in the "Password" field.
  3. Select the "Remember" option to save the last login. Allows automatic login the next time the application starts if the user has not logged out before.
  4. Click on the "Login" button.
  5. Enter the process of recovering a lost password.

If you lose your password, or if you do not know your password, click on the "Lost Password" link [5]. Then follow the "Lost password" section.

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