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Panel control

The panel is a component of the application. It consists of a header (panel header) [1], and a panel area where the actual content is placed [2].


panel control

  1. panel header
  2. panel content
  3. click on the triangle to collapse the panel content
  4. click on the triangle to expand the panel contents
  5. click on "minus" to cancel the display of the panel on the page
  6. panel on the desktop
  7. panel in the navigation menu on the left

The header contains either a text title or a title in the form of a link to another part of the application. At the right edge of the header is a triangle-shaped button [3] that allows you to collapse or expand the contents of the panel [4]. If the panel does not support any other content, only the header is displayed and unpacking is not functional.

In panel management mode, the header displays a "Minus" button [5], which the user can use to remove the panel from the page area. The panel can be repositioned on the page by dragging it with the mouse.

The procedure for moving a panel by "dragging":

Click on the panel header [1], that is the colored bar with the name and control buttons on the right, and hold down the left mouse button.

  1. Move the pointer to the desired location. When you start moving, the pointer changes to a four-armed arrow. When moving over an area where a panel can be placed, the panel being moved will jump.
  2. Release the left mouse button. The panel will settle in the new location.

To remove a panel

  1. Click on the "minus" icon in the panel header [5]. A dialog box will appear asking whether to perform the operation.
  2. Confirm the operation by clicking OK.

In panel management mode, you can add additional predefined panels to the page. See the chapter on panel management.

Panels can be placed on the page surface [6], or they can be part of an application unit, such as a navigation bar [7]. It is not possible to delete or move panels in the navigation panel, this can be done in part through the user's access rights settings. The user access permission settings also control the visibility of individual panels in the system.

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