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Controlling authentication fields

When verifying a user's identity, the user is identified [1] by the email address associated with the user's account or by the user's login name, i.e. the name (alias) specified or selected for login (Login).


control of authentication fields

  1. user identity - name or email
  2. user password to access the system
  3. drop-down menu with a list of login names
  4. click on the "x" to delete the text

By typing text or clicking in the edit box, a drop-down menu will appear with a list of login names [3] that match the typed text, which can be used to quickly add identification text to the edit box. As the text is typed, the menu list is filtered by matching the text from the beginning of the word. If there is no such login name in the system, the menu is not displayed. Typed text can be deleted at once by clicking on the "x" icon [4].

Identity is verified using a password [2]. The password field does not display the typed text, but replaces it with a wildcard (dots).


Nenalezli jste požadované informace?

Přeje si kontaktovat uživatelskou podporu?

Kontaktovat nás můžete nejlépe e-mailem, seznam možností jak se s námi spojit je na stránkce kontakty.

Připravujeme možnost rychle zaslat dotaz pomocí webového formuláře.

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