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Breadcrumb navigation bar

At the top edge of the page there is a horizontal bar for navigating the site hierarchy or ontology. This is the so-called breadcrumb navigation, which shows the position of the current page in the site hierarchy, regardless of the way the user reached the page (interface picture point 2).

When displaying pages related to the personal settings of the site (personalization), the navigation is shown in the hierarchy of the settings pages. When displaying content included in an ontology, i.e. in all other cases (almost), the ontology hierarchy is displayed. In the order Project (Space, Module) -> Class -> Attribute or similar. Analogous to the layout of the ontology hierarchy in the navigation bar on the left.

Each "breadcrumb" of the navigation [1] is a link to a page that is a node in the sequence of the parent or child hierarchy. The nodes are separated by a triangle icon [2].


breadcrumb navigation bar

  1. system pages in hierarchy sequence
  2. click on a triangle to display a list of links to subordinate nodes

Click on the triangle icon [2] to display a pull-down menu with a list of links [3] that represent the branching hierarchy. This list is analogous to the list of links on the page that the parent node represents.


breadcrumb navigation of hierarchies - pull-down menu

  1. system pages in hierarchy sequence
  2. click on a triangle to display a list of links to subordinate nodes
  3. the child node that is in the hierarchy branch of the currently displayed page

For a Class level node, a pull-down menu with a list of the most recently viewed Class instances is hidden under the last "triangle".

A button appears on the page to return to the previous level in the hierarchy [1]. Clicking on this button will display the parent page in the hierarchy. When navigating through the pages of the application, you need to be aware of this fact and get used to it. The "Return" button returns the user "back" to the parent node (page) in the site hierarchy or ontology.


return button

  1. click on the button to display the parent page in the hierarchy


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