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Image type attribute editor

Editing the value of an item of the "Image" type consists in assigning an existing image to the Attribute. This can be done by clicking on the "Plus" icon [1], when a dialog box opens with the option to select a file representing the image from disk. The image file can be dragged from the file manager environment with the mouse into the container [2]. Another option is to drag the displayed image from the web browser environment into the container [2] using the mouse.

The name and other properties of the image are automatically filled in. The title [3] and the annotation can be changed. The "Download" button [4], which is also displayed in the viewing mode, can be used to download the image to the computer disk or to display it.

To view the image in a web browser environment, click on the displayed sample [5]. A box [6] will appear in which the image is displayed. As you move the mouse near the vertical edge of the displayed image, arrow icons [7] appear, allowing you to scroll through the entire gallery of images embedded in the attribute/item. The box [6] is closed by clicking on the "x" icon [8].


Image editing

  1. launching the disk explorer, selecting and inserting an image
  2. image container
  3. the name of the image file in the AToM system
  4. download image - export to user's disk
  5. preview of the saved image in a uniform size
  6. box to view the image in full size
  7. scrolling through the list of images
  8. closing the image viewer box
  9. icon to move the image and change the order in the list
  10. remove an image from the image list

By displaying an image in a box and dragging it with the mouse into the container, you can easily create copies and insert them into an Image attribute if that attribute has multiple insertion enabled in its settings.

Using the four-arrow icon [9], the position of the image in the Attribute container can be changed by dragging it with the mouse [2]. Clicking on the "Minus" icon [10] removes the attached image.


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