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The Tooltip button is located in the toolset and indicators area near the top right corner of the browser.

image026.pngON   image027.pngOFF

Turns on or off the mode for displaying a floating panel with selected Class instance information. The on or off status is indicated by a colored highlight. When moving the mouse cursor in the Classes list (a tabular list with links), a panel with the Class instance data set for this display for the Class appears after a moment when the pointer is stopped over a link to the Class instance (list item). The scope of the information displayed is set centrally when defining the Class in AToM Studio, where the Attributes to be displayed in the ToolTip data view are selected. Attributes selected in this way are only displayed in a floating window if instances of them exist, i.e. if the items have a value set.


Tooltip - floating panel with Class instance data

  1. Tooltip panel is always displayed above other content

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