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Manage your user profile

The "Profile" tab displays a page with the user's profile information [1], which can be edited on the "Card" tab [2].


managing user profile information

  1. user information display page
  2. page for editing user information
  3. Displayed user name (Display)
  4. User login name (Login)
  5. User's email address
  6. Photo or image (Avatar)
  7. Changes are saved when you click the button
  8. Launch the disk explorer and select the image
  9. Starting the transfer of the image from disk to AToM

The Login [4] and Email [5] edit fields are not automatically saved and changes must be saved by clicking the save button [7].

The image of the "Avatar" item [6] is selected using the standard file selection tool (File manager), which is launched by clicking on the "Browse" button [8]. The selected file is saved to the application server by clicking on the "Upload" button [9].

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