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Full-text search settings

The full-text search component is not only a part of the "Search" page, but is used on many pages with some sort of displayed list (usually in the form of a table), or also as an auxiliary component when selecting from tabular lists.

The component contains a switch for selecting the search method. It is possible to select

[1] - Searching limited to code and name entries using the CONTAINS method, where occurrences of text are searched for in which words begin with words that are part of the search term.

[2] - Searching all items using the FREETEXT method, where occurrences of texts containing words of the search term or their forms are searched.


fulltext search component

  1. name and code search settings
  2. settings for all text search
  3. field for entering the search text
  4. click on the triangle to start the search

The searched text is entered into the text field [3] and the search process is started by clicking on the triangle icon [4] or by clicking on the "Search" button, which is also implemented in some cases.

The search process applies the set filter to the tabular data associated with the search component.

If the search text field is empty (empty field [3]), the full-text filter is cancelled and a list of all instances is displayed.

For the text of an Attribute to be found in a search, the Fulltext flag must be set for the Attribute. The setting is done in AToM Studio.

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